Thursday, February 2, 2012

"Let This Blest Assurance Control"

Several years ago, I adopted a verse from the Bible as my own. Since then, that verse has given me peace, strength, and hope to get through the many valleys I have navigated, and am navigating, in this crazy thing called life. I also adopted a song as my own. I sing, cry, and whisper the song in my head or to the top of my voice, depending on the circumstance. The verse and the song are forever entwined in my heart and their message is so very similar. Whether the shepherd king David or Horatio Spafford knew those words would mean so much to me, I cannot dare to imagine. God, however, guided me to the message of Psalm 46:1 and It Is Well With My Soul with unerring accuracy.

"God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in times of trouble." Psalm 46:1

There are many names for God and each has a unique meaning. God. Almighty, Bread of Life, the Consolation of Israel. Deliverer, Everlasting Father, and Friend of Sinners. The Good Shepherd, the High Priest, the Mediator. Mighty God, Great Physician, and Redeemer. Rock, Saviour, Teacher. The Way. The Truth. The Life. He. Is. God!

He is my refuge. My safe place. He is my shelter, my protection, and my sanctuary. He gives me strength. He sustains me, He encourages me, and He is the source of my courage. He is very present. He is always here, right where I need Him. When I need Him. How I need Him. He never, ever leaves me. He is my help. He provides for my needs and He satisfies my longings. He gives me support and comes to my aid. And He saves me when I am in the midst of my darkest hours. He holds me in His arms and loves me through whatever I am facing. With Him, I am never alone. He is mine and I am His. I love Him because He first loved me. He is now, has always been, and will forever be--God.

I deserve none of His love and mercy and grace. And still, He loves me. He knows my every thought and knows every word and picture that flashes through my brain, and He still loves me. He knows me, inside and out, and still loves me. Amazing doesn't even begin to describe it. And if I had been the only person that had ever lived, He would have given up His Son, Jesus Christ, to make the perfect and willing sacrifice to cover my sin. Because of Jesus Christ, He who was all man and who is all God, I am found guiltless. Jesus is the lens through which God sees me. Because of that, all my filth and ugliness and meanness are covered over and washed away as if none of that had ever been there in the first place. And my soul is made well.

No matter what happens in life, I know that God will hold me and keep me. He does not promise that nothing bad will happen to me. He promises to hold me when it does (1 Peter 4:12-13). To be my rock and my fortress (Psalm 62:2).  And He promises to restore my soul (Psalm 23). Even when my son died in my arms, He did not leave me. He is loving me through my grief and is healing my heart.

Horatio Spafford wrote a great song, It Is Well With My Soul, in the midst of suffering the loss of all four of his daughters. Read the story behind the song and lyrics that swelled from the heart of Mr. Spafford. The song has been my favorite of all hymns for years, well before Jacob was even born. I cannot sing it now without tears just streaming down my face, but it is still my favorite song. The message rings even truer since Jacob passed away.

I love the way the Ruppe Sisters sing this song.
Sibling harmony is the best harmony.

If you haven't already claimed a Bible verse as your own, I encourage you to do so. If you don't have a song that tells your heart's story, choose one or write one. When you are going through the darkest hours of your life, you'll remember the words and those words will be a balm to your spirit.


  1. It is Well with my Soul is one of my favorite hymns! I also love In the Garden and How Great Thou Art. All three make me cry...

    1. Great minds! I love those old hymns. And Amazing Grace and Rock of Ages and A Mighty Fortress. The words and music wash over me and soothe my very soul. :)

  2. I always choke on the words "my sin; O the bliss of this glorious thought; my sin not in part, but the whole has been nailed to the cross and I bear it no more... Praise the Lord, Praise the Lord O my soul
